Let me start by saying that I love flares! I think I lived a past life in the 70s, because something just feels so right when I slip on a pair of flares. They’re comfortable, shape-keeping, and they look good on virtually everyone. The trick is to just pare them properly.

1. Flares elongate your legs, so they’re great for short or taller girls. Skinny jeans say signora at the ankle (different styles can even stop shorter than the ankle), creating a clear division or line that doesn’t allow for a long, concise leg. Flared jeans take the length of the leg to the floor, so you’re easily adding at least an inch. Pair them with some heels to get even more freebie inches! Side note:If you know you’re going to wear your flares with heels, buy them a couple inches long on you to compensate for the heel. If you’re wearing them with flats, you obviously don’t want that extra length, because then it’s just dragging and looking sloppy.

2. Buy high-waisted flares, if you’re only going to invest in a single pair of flares. Again, you’re creating a long leg, but you’re also providing yourself more top options: fitted tees, crop tops, you name it. Not to mention the coverage you’re getting of your tummy. No “food babies” around these parts, at least not that we can see!

3. This is a personal guideline, but I would suggest not wearing round-toe flats with flares. The circular flare of the jean just looks..sloppy? Not sure if that’s word I’m looking for, but I don’t think it looks as polished as it does when you offset the rounded flare with a pointed toe flat, stilettos, open-toe wedges, etc. There’s something about the round-toe flat that just doesn’t mesh with the flare-save those for your skinny jeans! So, if you want a boho look, style them with chunky heels and a slouchy blouse, or if you’re going out on the town, add a stiletto and a sheer top and you’re ready to go. They’re so versatile, and I definitely understand why the dressy jeans are in style. They’ll definitely be a staple in my wardrobe this season.

4. Choose color wisely: Typically, darker denim is for fall/winter and lighter denim is for the lighter season: spring/summer. However, I enjoy fashion rule breaking, and I carry my dark denim into warmer seasons. Especially with the dressy jean trend, I find darker denim to be much more chic and transitional from day to night, versus lighter denim. I also like how darker denim gives me a slimmer appearance than lighter denim. But, you should play around with the colors and find what works for you. That’s the beauty with fashion: you can play with it and make your own version of beautiful.

5. There really are no rules! What I’ve listed above are just my guidelines that I follow. But, you should get creative and do what makes you feel confident. You know your body better than anyone else. Nothing is more beautiful than a confident woman. So, play around with the length, style, and color of flares this season and see what works for you. If you don’t already have a pair, you definitely need to invest in some, because they’re transitional investments that have clearly withstood the test of time!

Do you guys have any styling tips that you follow when wearing flares? I’d love to hear them! Otherwise, I’ll see you guys next week in the closet!



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