Saranghae: The 5 Step Skincare Savior

If you haven’t heard already, Korean skincare lines are all the rage, causing women everywhere to stampede cosmetic stores scour the aisles for any and every skincare product they can sink their hands on. At first, I was definitely skeptical of the trend, but I recently was lucky enough to receive a Saranghae 5-step skincare … Continue Reading

Last Minute Gift Guides for Him, Her, & Them!

Still shopping for Christmas gifts, better yet, still need gift ideas? I got you. Shop all different price points for him, her, and couples’ gift ideas! Starting from left to right, one to eight. To shop, just click the items below! Godinger Bar Tool Set: For your favorite mixologist, or wannabe bartender, this is a … Continue Reading

LONDONTOWN is Making a Splash on My Hands and My Discount Code!!

Londontown is becoming synonymous in the nail care industry. The brand has graced the coversf major magazines all across the world-Cosmopolitan, People, Vogue, you name it. Who are they, and what are they, you ask? They’re a vegan, cruelty-free polish and nail care brand. If you haven’t already seen them, these polishes and care items are … Continue Reading

Top 12 (Must-Have) Beauty Products Gift Guide

There are sooo many fun beauty products this year, so it was super hard to narrow it down. This guide consists of just a few things that would make for great gifts for your girl friends, family members, or let’s be honest, for yourself! If you’re like me, then you buy of each gift you … Continue Reading

Combating Bad Hair Days!

There’s nothing worse than a bad hair day! For some, we feel like we’ve had bad hair weeks, months, or decades. Ladies, I get it. Before I realized what was going on with me, I started noticing a lot more hair in the shower drain, more than your usual hair shedding. I started freaking out, … Continue Reading

Want a Brighter Smile? Read how you could WIN ONE!

What’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone? For me, it’s their smile…close second would be their shoes, and nobody’s got time for either, people!! On a serious note, my teeth have been always something that’s important to me. From braces to mouth guards, to preventative dental work, I grew up making sure … Continue Reading

Easy 5 step hair for days you don’t care!

This title couldn’t be more accurate for my life, 24/7. Doing my hair is like cleaning the toilet-it sucks no matter how you slice it. I have a lot of hair as is, so add in pain from Lyme disease, and there’s no way this girl’s getting her hair did! So, I’ve been playing around … Continue Reading

How to Create Kim Kardashian’s Bold Shadow Look

Let me start off by saying that I am no seasoned veteran when it comes to rocking a bold, colorful eye. In fact, the thought at first made me cringe, literally. Flashbacks to seven years old and creating “glam looks” with caked on blue shadow and over-lined fuchsia lips ensued. So, when Tamar (owner and … Continue Reading

Up Close & Personal with Hair Extensions

As spring breathes life back into our systems, I notice that I crave newness and freshness in my own life that usually unfolds in the form of my hair. After winter and all the dryness, messy buns, and burying myself deep under covers and mass amounts of reality tv, I feel the need to evolve … Continue Reading

Must-Have Head to Toe Bridal Look Series: Look 1

Before I begin, I’m sorry to all my readers for taking so long to post! With this move, my brain has been everywhere but on my blog! Currently, we have no decent internet at our new place, so I braved a snowstorm to get a table at Starbucks to crank this out. Don’t get me … Continue Reading