This title couldn’t be more accurate for my life, 24/7. Doing my hair is like cleaning the toilet-it sucks no matter how you slice it. I have a lot of hair as is, so add in pain from Lyme disease, and there’s no way this girl’s getting her hair did! So, I’ve been playing around with different styles, especially braids, and I decided to do a double French braid into a low, messy bun. Here’s how to rock this super simples style:

1.Spray some dry shampoo on the roots. Let it sit for a little before rubbing it in to allow your hair to absorb it. (I’m linking some of my favorite products, bc I live on caffeine and dry shampoo…not even kidding!)

2. Part your hair down the middle-make it exact, because obviously people can see if your part’s all whacky. Tie off tightly whichever side you’re not working on. Make sure it’s tight to keep that part untouched when you’re grabbing hair for the braid.

3. Start French braiding whichever side you’re working on. I start on the right because it’s easier, for me. Then, tie it off tightly with those mini elastics.

4. Braid the other side and tie it off.

5. Combine bother braids into a fun messy bun-I like tying it off with some braid in the messy bun, because I think it looks a little more fun. You could any sort of bun or design you want to. And voila, you’re done! *I also grab a few pieces out for a messier, tousled look and pull pieces on of the braid to make it look thicker.

My Lyme has been getting increasingly worse, so I shortcut a LOT of things these days. Because of that, I’ve tried finding new styles that look fun or intricate, but they’re actually really easy styles created on day(S)-old hair! While the Lyme continues relentlessly attacking my body, I’m starting to get more excited about getting my port put in. With being an invasive, costly,treatment route, I’ve had mixed emotions. At times, I’m nervous, thinking: What if this doesn’t work? How badly will I be impaired? How bad will it get before getting better? One of my biggest fears, that might sound odd, is navigating and embracing normalcy again. I had to quit my job, refrain from exercising (my major stress reliever), experience being majority bedridden; I’ve endured physical and mental pain, fatigue that I can’t please regardless of how much I sleep. I’ve lost my social life, my sanity, almost. But, then there’s a flip side, a sense of bittersweetness.

I’ve gained a husband who loves, supports me, and cherishes me everyday. He’s never left my side, though our entire engagement and marriage up to this point has flipped our lives upside down and into the dirt. He’s the sole provider in our family, and he’s given up everything to be my rock, to try and stabilize my rocky world. He’s truly my soulmate, and maybe I needed to go through this to recognize such a deep love, respect, and connection with this man. Not only has Josh (the hubs) stepped up to the plate, but my family has formed an unbreakable foundation of support around me. Financially, emotionally, physically, they’ve shown up without question. I’ve never been so dependent and needy, which I absolutely hate. I’ve prided myself on my independence, so my pride has definitely struggled with taking a backseat. But, they love me through it all. I’ve understood who my real friends are, the ones who actively pursue a friendship with me, even though I’m only passively participating.

The most important thing I’ve gained is a deeper faith in Jesus who’s guided me, molded me, and shielded me through every tribulation. He’s teaching me to have courage and confidence in myself, and he’s teaching me how to use my circumstances for the betterment of myself and those around me. I have a renewed sense of purpose, and I’m shockingly grateful for my experience. Without pain, we would never change or travel outside of our comfort zone. If you’re going through Lyme or any difficult situation, know there’s a bittersweetness to everything. Through your darkness, the sun will shine again, but even brighter, more beautiful than before. Hang in there, friend. Our sun is coming!

Thank you for allowing me to share my story without judgement. And of course, you can shop some products and my outfit, below. It wouldn’t be Closet Confidential without some shopping my closet, would it?!



Shop My Look

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