Hopefully you got the punny title, because with what little brain power I can muster, I thought that was pretty good 😉 As I debated what to write about, I decided to edit my pictures first, then come back to the content. Then, it kind of hit me. In all honesty, it was the pun that lit the creative match.

As a writer, it can be hard, or rather, we can be hard on ourselves or too critical when choosing a topic; our wordsmanship must be just so, or we can struggle with how much to connect with our readers. I found myself struggling with these things today. How much do I want to share? Will I be understood or dismissed? What topic do I even feel like pondering on? So, I decided to share simply how I feel today, and this outfit, of course. Let’s start with the easy part, shall we?

This leather & pleather ensemble has such a spicy, savory feel to it (or maybe I’m just hungry?)! Honestly, while wearing it, I felt like a hot tamale. With a little swag in my step, I started daydreaming as if I were Kim K. wondering, where I parked my Bentley, and what half naked closet selfie could I take today? Then, back to reality as the sun’s rays engulfed me and begged my skin to release those salty tears. Ugh, Kim K probably has a personal sweat wiper, I thought. 😉 Thankfully, these shorts are more relaxed and not clingy, so no sweating due to leather suffocation. I think many people are afraid to wear leather during the hotter months. But, if you know how to wear it and what kind to buy, then you’ll be rocking leather/pleather 365 days a year, my friends! Top shop some similar pieces, click the pictures below!

Now, the more vulnerable part. Today was a hard day for me. I slept until noon before I forced myself to get up. I’ve literally done nothing today, and coming from a fast-paced, productive member of society, it’s tough when you feel like you have nothing to give or contribute to anything or anything, not even yourself. Lately, I’ve been really emotional about relying on those around me for basically 110% support. For example, since I don’t work, I’d like to tidy up our space, make dinner, and run errands, etc.-“normal stuff.” With my Lyme, I don’t/can’t do any of that stuff. My husband has had to pick up MAJOR slack-financially, emotionally, physically, you nee it. I have immense guilt for that. I KNOW this disease isn’t my fault, but the fact that everyone around me suffers and is effected by as well, IS my fault. That’s just the fact of it. We’re currently living with my mom for the support and help, so of course, I feel like a failure because I don’t have my own Insta-worthy house to give home tours of. I feel like instead of progressing through life, I’m stagnating, and even regressing in a lot of areas. It’s SO easy for me to compare my life to those of Instagram rockstars, my friends, other influencers, etc. If I had to guess, I’m pretty sure you feel the same way, reader. It’s easy and almost natural to do. But, it’s unhealthy and unrealistic and here’s why:

1. You’re YOU-you’re not Beyoncé (though I wish I was), you’re [insert name]. So, be you, be unique, be kind and loving and appreciative of yourself.

2. There’s no manual to life. No one says you HAVE to be married, buy a house, have a certain career at any age or ever. We put that pressure on ourselves. Wherever you’re at is where you’re meant to be, but it doesn’t mean it’s where you’ll stay.

3. Life has curveballs. I never thought in a million years I’d be bedridden in my 20s, but here we are. It’s easy to feel like you’re failing or missing out on what/where you’d rather be. Just because you have/you are swinging and missing those curves doesn’t mean that next pitch can’t be a home run. Have faith and patience-life ALWAYS works out in the end. And if it doesn’t, you haven’t reached the end yet!

4 Social Media is a beautiful lie. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE social media. I’ve made great connections, kept up with old friends, and I’ve learned a lot. However, it’s a breeding ground for comparison. The kicker: we’re comparing ourselves to an (HIGHLY LIKELY) edited, photoshopped, factored, and whatever other editing apps are out there image. And if they’re not edited images, that’s STILL that person’s highlight reel. No one posts pictures of their ugliest or even mundane moments. Believe me, none of us “woke up like this.” So, be realistic and appreciate your you-ness. No one can compete with that!

5. Don’t forget your self confidence. It’s easy to be all confident about a picture then see Adriana Lima’s post and immediately be self conscious. Again, you’re you. You’re not competing with anyone when you view yourself as unique, beautiful, one-of-a-kind, a priceless gem. When we forget our individuality, we want to confirm to whomever we’re stalking on social media-be it physical looks, mental capacity, whatever. If you strengthen yourself inwardly, social media won’t have that demoralizing effect on you!

These are just a few pieces of advice that I’m currently working out. I struggle with these things everyday, especially #2 at the moment. But, I’m slowly reversing my fantastical conception of how my life ought to be and accepting and embracing life as it is, because no matter what’s going on in our lives, life is beautiful, precious, and fleeting.

Wherever you’re at in your journeys, try to remember that there’s light after every storm; there’s light every new day, and there’s always light at the end of of every journey. Happy Sunday, babes! See you in the closet next week!

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