Holy moly, it’s been a while since I’ve touched base with you guys via a post! I’m SO sorry! Lately, I’ve been feeling super sick, so writing these posts have just been grueling task that I’ve frankly been struggling with. I LOVE writing and expressing myself in written form, so it’s a big deal when that becomes too hard. Stupid Lyme.

Recently, I saw a doctor, aka the “Lyme Guru,” and I’m really excited to have his knowledge and support in my corner. I’m however NOT excited about the financial burden, since he doesn’t participate with any insurance companies-this is actually common practice with Lyme specialists, I’ve found out. But, as they say, you an’t put a price on health, and this disease has been running my life, and I’m not taking it anymore! I need to be running my life, not the other way around. What symptoms have I experienced, you ask? Ready for the laundry list?

-Extreme fatigue
-Excruciating muscle & joint pain, incl. “don’t touch me” pain-basically every nerve is firing, so even being touched can be painful!
-GI distress (you don’t want me going into this, trust me, haha!)
-Neurological distress: memory loss, confusion, vision problems, word searching, etc.
-Cardiovascular issues: heart palpitations, shortness of breath, air hunger, etc.
-Liver hepatitis (generalized, not A, B, or C) & shutdown of gallbladder
-Diabetes insipidus
-Endocrine issues
-Psyche disturbance-anxiety, panic attacks, emotional distress
-Numbness, tingling, or total loss of feeling in different extremities
-Lymph system distress

Again, this is the condensed version, haha. Lyme can, and in my case, has affected pretty much every bodily system. It’s so much more complex, smart, and determined than many doctors and medical associations give it credit for. It’s an epidemic and it can absolutely Destry and even take your life, if untreated. That’s why I’m undergoing extensive treatment for my late/chronic symptoms (more on my treatment in later posts once we solidify my game plan that’s based on many factors). For the next few years, this will be my life; this requires total lifestyle changes and that’s where Kav Encore comes in. They gave me the opportunity to try their nutritional shakes, which I absolutely jumped on.

There are five different shake flavors, all containing NON-GMO, natural, gluten free, and vegetarian ingredients. Personally, I follow a diet full of foods that reduce inflammation, doesn’t aggravate my easily irritated stomach (no/minimal dairy, soy, or gluten), and promotes healthy activity for all of my body’s systems and functions. I have a hard time absorbing nutrients, so I’m always up to try different ways to get and maintain my protein and nutrients. Kav Encore’s shakes stimulate fat burning, keep you full longer, support healthy GI/gut function, provide immune system support, support healthy blood sugar levels, promote cardiovascular health, and SO MUCH MORE! They’re packed full of pre/probiotics, vitamins, minerals, solid protein, without all of the carbs and sugars that a lot of nutritional shakes on the market sprinkle in.

Besides being good for you, they taste delicious, too!! I know this post is long, but I also wanted to throw in some recipes for a couple of the flavors so that you can enjoy these to the max!

The Mochaccino
1/2 Banana
1/2-1 whole chocolate shake powder packet
1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or preferred dairy/dairy alternative)
6-8oz cup cold or room temperature brewed coffee.
1 cup ice
Opt. Swerve/Stevia/sweetener of choice-to taste (depending on how sweet you want it)
(Combine banana, shake ix, almond milk, and sweetener in blender/nutribullet-shake to mix those ingredients together. Then, add ice in the blender. Can add whipped cream or whatever toppings you want to make it more indulgent, but I just keep it simple with the drink)

The White Walker (ily GOT)
2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk (dairy/dairy alternative of your choice)
3/4 vanilla shake powder packet ( you can play with this, too.)
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1 cup ice (modify for how thick/thin you want it)
6 drops liquid stevia (I used swerve and I probably used 2 tablespoons, maybe?)
(Combine almond milk, shake mmix, and sweetener in blender and shake to mix ingredients together. Then, add ice and blend until smooth. Add any toppings you wish!)

These two shakes taste like you’re really indulging without all of the unnecessary sugars and other ingredients! So good-I’m having the White Walker as I type this 😉 It seriously tastes like a rich vanilla milkshake! Go check out Kav Encore and try out these recipes with their delicious shakes!

As I continue through this health journey, I’ll keep you guys posted. I’ll try and start doing more of these kinds of posts on things that I use, that help me, or that I’ve been recommended to help my disease, but that can also help any and everyone with their general health! Hopefully, you guys would enjoy that!

Happy Monday, loves, and may you have an amazing Fourth of July with friends and family!!




For anyone struggling with a debilitating disease or just a challenge, in general-whether it’s physical, mental, whatever, I hope my testimony helps you connect, feel understood, and helps you stay positive and hopeful. And specifically for Lyme, I hope my testimony and journey helps doe two things: I hope to change testing and diagnosis standards for those who aren’t LLMDs (Lyme literate medical doctors), because there’s a serious misunderstanding, lack of information, and improper care being delivered by the medical field regarding this epidemic. Secondly,I hope my story brings awareness and diligence in people to check for ticks on you and your loved ones, 24/7. You don’t have to be a woodsman to get Lyme, I can promise you that. Get checked as soon as any potential Lyme symptoms arise. Push your doctors; be vocal and firm in your suspicions and stances; seek the best care, and don’t stop until someone takes you seriously. You know your body better than anyone, even the professionals.

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