Happy President’s Day! I hope you’re all able to cozy up with your couch today and enjoy a day off. I decided to try and catch up on work today, because I just can’t sit still and veg out. But, it’s really not a bad thing when you’re enjoying what you’re “working” on.

As I was sitting here and putting this blog post together, I couldn’t help but to laugh a little. For starters, I really enjoyed shooting the pics for this post, because I was actually warm during the shoot. You don’t realize how much that matters until you’re consistently shooting in temperatures around freezing or below! My hat’s off to my fellow bloggers-it’s TOUGH trying to look anything different than freezing in these pictures. But thankfully, this cozy teddy coat is your body’s personal toaster oven. Through sleet and snow, this coat stayed warm and toasty, while my hubby-the photographer was freezing in his North Face. Not knocking North Face, because I love the brand, but I just want you guys to see the comparison in order to understand the greatness of this coat! It’s officially my uniform for the rest of winter. Another thing that’s great about this coat is that it’s something you can wear through that awkward transitional period between winter and spring: aka March. March is nature’s mystery; you never know if it’s going to bring a blizzard or heat wave. With this coat, you can easily layer it over a light blouse or dress, and you can always shed the layer during the day and throw it over you again when the sun goes down.

The second thing that’s funny about this post is the fact that we almost got ticketed and physically removed from our shoot location! Long story short, this lovely (sarcasm) rent-a-cop decided to haggle us about a “photo permit” for the pictures we were taking. Before arguing the details of this, can we all agree that there are MUCH bigger issues affecting our country besides a happy couple taking pictures?! Secondly, we were in the right and able to take the pictures after he finally listened to us that this was for personal use. Nonetheless, I felt like such a little rebel for the rest of the afternoon, and I’m pretty sure the pictures after the incident turned out much better than before. So, in the end, I should thank the security officer for giving me my mojo!

All the outfits are linked below, as well as some other similar, cozy options that I’m crushing on lately. Enjoy the rest of your day, babes, and I’ll meet you back in the closet soon…if I don’t get arrested during our next shoot, lol!



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